Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist | Covet House Blog
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Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

dining tables Biophilia Earth Tones: The Dining Tables WhatsApp Image 2019 10 03 at 15 greg natale Warm, Layered, Liveable Spaces: Dining Rooms by Greg Natale WhatsApp Image 2019 10 03 at 15

Laura Stein started her journey in 2006, and since she has been creating exceptional interiors that allow the viewers to experience the exquisite beauty of well-crafted design and the ease of living with refined functionality. Thanks to her passion being enduring and contagious, she approaches each project with a vision to inspire and deliver showing her signature sense of fresh, understated luxury. Laura’s work has been acclaimed locally, nationally and internationally with multiple industry honours and awards.

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Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

© Laura Stein Interiors


Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

greg natale Warm, Layered, Liveable Spaces: Interior Designs by Greg Natale gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

The Orbis Mirror by Luxxu is a creation that aims to immerse in sumptuously glamorous interiors and the gold colour enhances the luxurious details present in its design. A simple yet refined choice for any room.


Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

© Laura Stein Interiors


Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

greg natale Warm, Layered, Liveable Spaces: Interior Designs by Greg Natale gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

The aged brushed brass structure and the Quartz crystal diffuser merge together to brighten any home decor with this Naicca Chandelier by Brabbu. The perfect choice to bathe your room in light.


Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

© Laura Stein Interiors


Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

greg natale Warm, Layered, Liveable Spaces: Interior Designs by Greg Natale gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

The Iguazu falls is one of the most striking views in the world. Iguazu Armchair perfectly combines the strength of these mesmerizing waterfalls. A wonderful addition to a living room.


Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

© Laura Stein Interiors


Laura Stein: Purist And Perfectionist

greg natale Warm, Layered, Liveable Spaces: Interior Designs by Greg Natale gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

With a glossy black lamp shade that bears a resemblance to Amy Whinehouse’s legendary hair and a small gold powder paint detail that recall us of her golden earring, the Amy Floor Lamp by DelightFULL suits the most demanding mid-century modern setting.

Feature Image: Laura Stein Interiors


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