Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home | Covet House Blog
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Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

Who said being seated can’t have an uplifting effect? We thought about all those elements that make a beautiful living room and yes, the sofa is always at the center of it all. For each home decor style, there’s always a matching sofa and we are pretty sure you will find it here. Have a look and discover 7 modern sofas that will make you feel at home!

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Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

The Fitzroy sofa is inspired by the spectacular wild scenery you can find in the mountains of Patagonia. Fully upholstered in cotton velvet and with a base in matte casted brass, Fitzroy reminds us that luxury is nothing but a state of mind and a path to the quintessential side of life. Truly magnificent.

Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home


Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

The Mansfield sofa is an accent sleek sofa with an undeniable modern elegance. Its rounded forms are a striking addition to any living room, along with the velvet upholstery and the polished brass on the base. If you’re in love with mid-century furniture, then Mansfield is the way to go.

Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home


Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

Inspired by the nature of this animal, the Otter sofa can adapt to any room and be an integral part of your interior design. Its round shapes transmit both comfort as well as grandiosity, whether it is placed in a modern living room or a comfortable home cinema area.

Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home


Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

The creativity and rich decoration of the Versailles Palace contributed to the inspiration for the creation of this exuberant sofa. It represents the way to freedom and the need for bringing extravagant creations to life. We present you the Versailles sofa.

Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home


Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

The first ships that crossed the Atlantic were the inspiration behind the Nau sofa, a furniture piece that will bring the feeling of adventure and discovery to your living room set. Upholstered in cotton velvet, this fabric sofa features a unique and memorable design.

Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

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Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

Metamorphosis is the transformation process from caterpillar to butterfly. It inspired the creation of the Essex corner sofa. This sofa is upholstered in velvet and has a base in aged brass matte that adds charisma. It will add that refined elegance to any living room only velvet sofas are capable of.

Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home


Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home

The Imperfectio sofa is the expression of imperfect aesthetics, the appeal of that which is authentic art that is truer to life. Imperfectio praises artisanal work as the ultimate form of art that is quite intentionally imperfect. Through its unique existence and shapes, Imperfectio Sofa determines its own history.

Living Room Design: 7 Modern Sofas That Will Make You Feel at Home


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