Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors | Covet House Blog
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Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

Modern Design Trends To Make Your Bathroom Bloom This Spring luxury bathroom Modern Design Trends To Make Your Luxury Bathroom Bloom This Spring gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw minimal design When Less Means More: The Minimal Design Touch You Need in Your Home gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

Nature is too beautiful to be kept outside so we brought it to be part of your home decor.  Atmospheric, peaceful, wild, charming, ethereal – there are infinite ways to describe Nature. Trees, animals, stones, flowers, oceans – all of those are charming sources of inspiration. Covet House is here to translate all of that lush purity into pieces of furniturelighting and upholstery. Enjoy and stay tuned for more Spring design trends coming soon!

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Bonsai Dining Table

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

Extreme simplicity and seductive power – these are the characteristics reflected in each detail that will make you fall in love at first glimpse. Bonsai relates to Boca do Lobo’s tradition of furniture which is inseparably combined with the innovation and vanguard of contemporary art. What are your thoughts?

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

Earth Armchair

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

The compelling rotation of the Earth around its own axis inspired the creation of the Earth armchair. Upholstered in cotton velvet, this armchair with shelter-style arms has a unique hammered brass back with a golden polished nailhead trim. It is the barrel chair design piece you’ve been looking for so long!

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

Savana Rug


Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors


Fauna meets flora in this impressive rug and it is surely an iconic luxury design element. Inspiration is a very subtle thing and this rug translates inspiring concepts through a powerful design. As inventive as it gets, the Savana rug is here to make your interiors bloom.

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

Naicca Floor Lamp

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

The allure of Mexico’s Giant Crystal Cave was the inspiration for the Naicca floor lamp, an accent lamp that represents the legend of crystal origins. The aged brushed brass structure and the Quartz crystal diffuser merge together to brighten any home decor, filling the room with a strong yet peaceful atmosphere.

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

Diamond Metamorphosis Sideboard

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

The Diamond Metamorphosis sideboard questions the meaning of beauty and seeks to provoke a reaction. This is what we call art furniture – an attempt to blend contemporary design with artsy details. May your living room be an endless canvas where you paint your own dreams.

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

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Kumi Mirror

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

With origins in Japan, Kumi is an oyster with undeniable beauty. The Kumi mirror pays tribute to its allure through its glossy hammered aged brass. This decorative wall mirror is a treasure coveted by many due to its natural-like texture. Awesome.

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

Namib Armchair

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors

The Namib Desert was the inspiration for the Namib Collection – its distinguished attributes combine the struggle between the Atlantic waters and the desert sands. This invigorating, balanced and curved upholstery piece is the master creation of powerful forces, where wood and satin cotton help to convey our mind to a sublime feeling of being embraced by a classic.

Spring Design Trends: Discover How To Bring Nature Indoors


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Desert Vibes: Balance, Harmony and Mid-century Design in Joshua Park mid-century design Desert Vibes: Balance, Harmony and Mid-century Design in Joshua Tree gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw


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