One thing when designing a house we have to have in mind is the lighting. To lighten up the room, to complete all the details with the masterpiece you always needed. So today we bring you some inspiration. All the pieces are from the brand Luxxu, which is a modern luxury brand. Bring light to your room and enlight up your rooms to achieve a modern classic interior.
This living room was displayed at the Feria Habitat Valencia, where you could find this incredible lighting combination. With no doubt, what is stealing all our attention are the lighting pieces, especially the Empire Chandelier. The Empire Chandelier was inspired by the stunning architecture of The Empire State Building. It’s a masterpiece with an extravagant shape, capable of transforming every space into a stunning scenario. To complement the living room, it has the Tycho Torch Wall Lamp. It’s the perfect fit for both hospitality and residential projects, the combination of brass and ribbed crystal glass will bring to your project the final twist of medieval charm you were looking for.