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Hong Kong’s skyline has been regarded by many as the most astounding one all around theworld, especially from the harbor or mountains. Considering such, this became the ideallocation to develop our latest house project, a stunning penthouse replete with natural appeal,reminiscent of the region’s breathtaking horizons. Paying homage to Hong Kong’s architecturalstyle, we introduced both a modern and contemporary feel to the luxury oasis. Structurealone, the penthouse was imagined as a sort of paradisial landscape with sweeping city views,and then, decorated the interiors with high-end designs that epitomized the modern notionof luxury but in a lighter yet vigorous color scheme, especially playing on the timeless appealof various shades of brown and neutral hues, eye-catching gold accents, and an abundanceof greenery. Floor-to-ceilings windows allow one to embrace the bright atmosphere of theregion while natural materials were used to preserve its contemplative aura. We resortedto some of its most classic, brand-new designs and a few bespoke innovations to bring anexclusive aesthetic reigned by a sense of harmony and tradition.
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