Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral: A Design Trend You Should Keep An Eye On
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Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral: A Design Trend You Should Keep An Eye On

Article originally published on December 5, 2019

Art Deco Retro Vibe: A Design Trend You Should Keep An Eye On

No matter what you do, there will always be a design trend that captures the essence of your personality. Art Deco Retro Vibe goes Floral and you can now expect botanical inspirations, natural textures and organic tones with a geometric spin. Looking to translate this concept into curated pieces of lightingfurniture and upholstery? Let’s get into it!

Addicta Mirror

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Interior Design Trends For 2020 #1: Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral WhatsApp Image 2019 07 11 at 14

Inspired by the richness of traditional Venetian mirrors, Addicta makes for an opulent statement. Its subversive glamour is eye-catching, unforgettable and addictive. Radiating contemporary vibes all around with some subtle classical inspiration, the Addicta mirror will take your sideboard into other dimensions. Remember, it’s all about the final composition.

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Gia Chandelier

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Imagine a gentle bouquet of flowers gracing your ceiling – the Gia chandelier consists of hand-sculpted polished brass calla lilies tied by a simple string. More than this, it represents the power of simple things when it comes to interior design. Amazing!

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Maya Armchair

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The Maya civilization had maize as one of the primary elements of their culture. Personified as a woman, Maya’s Maize God was the inspiration behind the Maya armchair. With legs in matte aged brass, this velvet accent chair has the sensual and delicate forms of the goddess, making it the perfect seating solution for an elegant living room set.

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Spellbound Sideboard

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Design is an ever-changing universe – now you get to see why. A living room is never complete without a powerful sideboard like Spellbound, adding a new layer of magnitude and bliss to your decor. Simply beautiful.

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 Stephen Sills – Soulful Design For a Modern Way of Living

Poppy Rug

Interior Design Trends For 2020 #1: Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral Interior Design Trends For 2020 #1: Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral poppy

Interior Design Trends For 2020 #1: Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral WhatsApp Image 2019 07 11 at 14

Poppy, a secular flower, was in ancient times offered as a way of farewell. This flower has strong connotations, being associated with dreaming, fertility and resurrection. The Poppy rug illustrates the delicacy as well as the strength of Nature, presenting a beautiful combination of different gray shades. This rug is made of hand-tufted 100% wool and is perfect for interior ambiances like living rooms and bedrooms.

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Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral: A Design Trend You Should Keep An Eye On

Botanica Sconce

Interior Design Trends For 2020 #1: Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral Interior Design Trends For 2020 #1: Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral botanica

Interior Design Trends For 2020 #1: Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral WhatsApp Image 2019 07 11 at 14

The intricate petals and stems of the Botanica sconce create a whimsical seduction reminiscent of an enchanted fairytale. Place it a modern entryway or living room and feel the art furniture vibe getting hold of your home decor. Impressive!

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Naif Green Wallcovering

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Interior Design Trends For 2020 #1: Art Deco Retro Vibe Floral WhatsApp Image 2019 07 11 at 14

Naif Green is a true oasis of comfort and design when it comes to modern wallcoverings. A floral pattern composes this accessory that is bound to be a breath of fresh air in your home decor. Fresh colors and vivid details? You got it!

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10 Luxury Rugs You Will Fall In Love With


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