Bedroom Design Inspired by Fiona Barratt | Covet House Blog
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Bedroom Design Inspired by Fiona Barratt

Bedroom Design Inspired by Fiona Barratt

Fiona Barratt makes the perfect match between interior design and architecture. Also, her signature style blends sophisticated neutrals interlaced with bursts of accent color. Although this more modern theme remains core to her interiors, Fiona experiments with antiques, particularly 20th-century pieces. This is how you can shape a bedroom design on your next project, just like Fiona Barratt would do! Stay tuned!

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Bedroom Design Inspired by Fiona Barratt


Carver Armchair

Bedroom Design Inspired by Fiona Barratt

Carver was a botanist, a connoisseur of the deep forest. That’s why our wingback armchair is inspired on him – it uses dark walnut wood and leather as main materials, besides having a round tapered leg with polished brass feet. Such clean lines are then finished with a tight back, using a non-removable cushion. Here’s the Carver armchair!

White Garden Rug

Bedroom Design Inspired by Fiona Barratt

This square-shaped rug, with its shades of white, is suitable for any environment. The neutral color and the reference to the geometry in its interior make it very elegant and classy. Simple yet unique, the White Garden rug is essential for any modern design lover.

Coleman Floor Lamp 

Bedroom Design Inspired by Fiona Barratt

The Coleman floor lamp is the ideal working buddy to be near your officecouch or desk. It has a sober elegance and it’s possible to regulate its height and direction at any time. Simple and smart, this piece will last long. It is handmade in brass with its lampshade in aluminum and it has a black textile cord.

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Sherwood Center Table

Bedroom Design Inspired by Fiona Barratt

From the legend of Robin Hood arises the Sherwood center table. A rectangular coffee table with a base in wood with black lacquer and a top in glossy walnut root veneer with gold leaf frame. This wood coffee table is ideal for a mid-century modern decor.


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