Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg | Covet House Blog
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Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

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Yabu Pushelberg is an international design firm, with studios in Toronto and New York, founded in 1980 by Glenn Pushelberg and George Yabu. Focused teams of design and project management personnel specialize in interiorfurniture and product design for the hospitalityresidential and retail industries. Dedicated to delivering the unexpected, they constantly shift visual paradigms with each completed project, the end result eliciting an emotional resonance in the user.

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Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

 © Pinterest


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

The Hudson armchair is probably one of our most classic design pieces. It tends to be sober thanks to its occasional design, but it really stands out because of its leather upholstery. The body structure is produced in solid walnut wood with metal shoes on its legs, made of polished brass. It has a little degree reclining, perfect for a zen moment on your living room.


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

© Yabu Pushelberg


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

The Amy floor lamp was inspired by the great jazz singer and songwriter Amy Winehouse. Amy has a vintage retro style that embodies the soul of the British artist and the 50’s interior design style. With a glossy black lampshade that bears a resemblance to Amy’s legendary hair and a small gold powder paint detail that recall us of her golden earring, this brass floor light suits the most demanding mid-century modern settings.


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

© Pinterest


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

If the dark marble of this stunning dining table wasn’t enough to make this design fit for your home decor, then the golden ring on the middle of the countertop gives it an even more refined touch. A piece with unmistakable trendy materials and a design that is sure to stun you, the Bertoia dining table is a homage to design itself.


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

© Avenue Road


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

Wormley is a side table that features a skillful engineered structure made of pipe rings – a hallmark of excellence in metalwork that supports a clear glass on the top. Some of the pipes are then cut vertically to form a leg, standing on a circular mirrored base produced in brass. The perfect centerpiece for the engineering minds.


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

© Singapore Tatler


Delivering Unexpected Interiors: Top Projects by Yabu Pushelberg

The Atomic suspension lamp was inspired by the molecular composition of the atom as a nod to the atomic age and race to space mid-century era.  This unique black chandelier is all handmade in brass and steel, with a gold-plated finish on the body and lacquered glossy black on the round shades. The inside of the spotlights is lacquered a gold powder paint, in order to create a smoother light to the human eye.

Featured Image: © Singapore Tatler


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