Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century | Covet House Blog
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Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century

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Our journey to show you the most inspiring design trends for 2019 continues! Retro Vibe Mid-century is like a time-traveling experience made of vintage-inspired pieces for intimate ambiances. Here colors must be striking, lines must be eye-catching and textures must be soul-stirring. This is what happens when interior design goes legendary.

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Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century

Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century

Retro Vibe Mid-century gathers inspiration not only from the glamorous Hollywood life between the 1940s and the 1960s but also from the everyday life that defined that mid-century generation. Movies like Sunset Boulevard, Casablanca or Citizen Kane, and jazz musicians like Miles Davis, John Coltrane or Ella Fitzgerald give this design trend a unique character and a symbolic meaning.

Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century

Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century

It is by harmoniously balancing the ideals of masculine and feminine or classic and contemporary that Retro Vibe Mid-century is able to create the finest solutions for cozy atmospheres that express elegance and luxury. Just like that, we achieve the perfect blend between past and present. As seductive as it gets!

Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century

Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century

If you like to keep it trendy, geometric patterns and pastel colors represent the ideal choice for mid-century decor. Iconic furniture pieces, sleek lighting details and irresistible retro ambiances? You got it! Take a look – glamour is all around.

Design Trends For 2019 #8: Retro Vibe Mid-century


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