Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture | Covet House Blog
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Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture

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Portuguese furniture has been a hit throughout the years and Kassavello is the ultimate reference when it comes to entwining Portuguese craftsmanship with an exclusive desire for curated interiors. Based in both England and Portugal, Kassavello is one of those luxury interior design ateliers that look out for a truly bespoke furniture service, known for delivering products and designs of the highest caliber to several residences across the world. Shall we have a look?

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Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture

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Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture

Kassavello was founded in 2015 by Ana Azevedo and Renata Teixeira. They developed their passion for interior design through working alongside designers in their respective careers – Ana as a General Manager in the hospitality industry and Renata as a Communications Director for a multinational building company. Heralding from towns close to the heart of Portugal’s design hub – Porto – Ana and Renata identified an opportunity to bring exquisite handcrafted furniture to all.

Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture

Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture

Today, Ana heads up Kassavello’s London office and manages sales and customer relations with a particular focus on the interior design community. Renata heads up operations in Portugal managing logistics, brand partnerships and critically overseeing the production of all of Kassavello’s bespoke furniture.

Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture

Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture

Kassavello has a remarkable tendency for modern classic interiors and the finest elements are used in order to compose powerful luxurious atmospheres. If you want to discover more about this impressive firm, then you should visit their website here. As fancy as it gets!

Kassavello: The Best of Portuguese Furniture


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