Mellow Color Metallics: The Dining Tables | Covet House Blog
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Mellow Color Metallics: The Dining Tables

dining tables Mellow Color Metallics: The Dining Tables bannnnner

Some design trends are meant to be revolutionary – especially on a conceptual level. Mellow Color Metallics represent a certain glamorous feeling that leads into something distinctive, stylish and powerful. It also represents the fearless side of contemporary design and the beauty of simple (yet fancy) things. Stay tuned for some amazing metallic and mellow dining tables coming in!

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Mellow Color Metallics - The Dining Tables

Representing the essence of empowerment, sophistication, mystics and enticement, Fortuna features a one of a kind design, with a unique table surface texture and an incredible finish. The statement piece you’ve been waiting for so long is here!

Mellow Color Metallics - The Dining Tables


Mellow Color Metallics - The Dining Tables

This dining table pays a soulful homage to a prehistoric monument in England, the Stonehenge. The metallic hues make an elegant contrast while they beautifully combine, merging the Neolithic and the Bronze Age in the same table. May your dining room be a golden treasure with the Stonehenge dining table!

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Mellow Color Metallics - The Dining Tables


Mellow Color Metallics - The Dining Tables

The Koi carp is a recurring symbol of Japanese culture. Its natural color mutations reveal their capacity to adapt, just like the Koi dining table. Featuring a base in aged brass and a top in acrylic, this dining table will add refined elegance to any dining room design. Lovely.

Mellow Color Metallics - The Dining Tables


Mellow Color Metallics - The Dining Tables

The Metamorphosis dining table promises to elevate your dining room to the next level. The metallic hues make an elegant contrast while they beautifully combine and pay tribute to the Neolithic and Bronze Age. This is craftsmanship and art merged together.

Mellow Color Metallics - The Dining Tables


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